Sunday, April 11, 2010

I haven't kept up with my posting of my art pieces the past few days. I had a scare the other day. My sciatica is full blown, and to be honest, it scares the crap out of me that I'm losing the feeling in my legs. It ranges from annoying pins and needles to intense pressure and numbness and weakness and trembling. Its incredibly hard to walk. Right now, I am relying on heating pads, Naproxen and Advil PMs to get through the days and nights. I can't sleep at all if I don't take something. I don't like that. I have also been doing stretch and exercise techniques. I'm so upset. I can't even sit on my living room couch. The softness is TERRIBLE for it. I start my smoothie diet this week. Hopefully I can lose some weight through that so that I can start exercising more regularly and intensely. I NEED to do this and NOW before its too late.

On to the art pieces, my second assignment was charcoal. I actually wound up doing several pieces... close up on a Calla Lily, a Batman piece and a portrait of young girl and boy. Charcoal is harder than I remember. I was satisfied with the results, but I know I will get better with practice. The past two days I have been working on jewelry which I consider art! I am making dangle pearl earrings for a wedding party and also a bracelet for a new Mommy :o) They both are so pretty! I will post pictures soon!

Despite my health issues, I am truly trying to stay positive. I'm so happy about the art assignment! And I'm getting so super excited for the summer! I have so much going on!!! Starting in June... I'm going to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri to see my brother graduate from his National Guard training. I can't wait! I miss him so much, and am so proud of him. Then we have the Dave concerts which we're going to do RIGHT this time!!! Then the Phillies game with fireworks!!! Then Jack Johnson in Palm Beach, Florida for my birthday!!! :o) This week we booked EVERYTHING, ha ha ha! We booked the flight and hotel for Florida. We got the Jack Johnson tickets! We still need to book the car for Florida. We booked the flight for the trip to Fort Leonard Wood, MO... still need to book the hotel, but I am waiting for Liz to look them up so we can all go the same one. And we also need to do the rental car for there as well.

I have alot to look forward to :o) God, please give me strength to get healthy! Please!

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